I received the item, my wife loves it, They fit well, are soft and look nice. I am a size one and they are a little big, but just enough to wear thick socks to keep warm. Like most faux leathers, they are cold and do not insulate well.
Great price.
Fabian Cormier
Seller did not respond yet
Nguyễn Đức Nam
I received the item, my wife loves it, They fit well, are soft and look nice. I am a size one and they are a little big, but just enough to wear thick socks to keep warm. Like most faux leathers, they are cold and do not insulate well.
Great price.
Fabian Cormier
Seller did not respond yet
Nguyễn Đức Nam
I received the item, my wife loves it, They fit well, are soft and look nice. I am a size one and they are a little big, but just enough to wear thick socks to keep warm. Like most faux leathers, they are cold and do not insulate well.
Great price.